Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Indian Hospitality...

Terrorist A: "Janab, I am totally ready to attack any Indian city now. Just give me order !"
Boss: "Yes, I have trained you, I want to you to go in and do a massacre, kill innocents. But keep in mind one thing, you must try very hard to get captured by them !"
A: "Jee Huzur, I know what is my main aim. To get captured, and taste the Indian Hospitality, which, today is, every terrorist's dream. I too want them to treat me like they are treating Ajmal Kasab in custody."
Boss: No need to say "God Keep you safe". I am sure you will be safer there than you are here".

Well, friends, I am wondering if terrorists have started talking such things. You must be already aware of how well we are treating the lone captured terrorist during 26/11. He is like a King. He gets what he wants. Nice food, veg non-veg, newspaper, medical treatment etc. He lies anytime he want to. He made so many U turns during the court trials. Still we are doing nothing but treating him even nicely. I am not accusing 'US' (not to be confused with USA :D). We are like that only. I don't know what is their motto in treating him like this. But when parents, relatives of the victims see Ajmal alive, they only curse Indian govt. Don't they?

I have found a heart throbbing documentory on 26/11 attack. Watch this if you haven't.

China says, "You smile when we capture your territories". And we smiles. After capturing territories, we raised the concerns, and we've been told, "Those territories were ours since centuries !" Matter closed. Recently, a politician said, "We don't have any extra-territorial ambition". I do agree with the statement. But Sir, please don't say that we are not committed to save our own territories ! First save our own land, then capture others.

So many illegal migrants from Bangladesh, Sri Lanka etc come to india and resides here without any opposition. We treat them like they are our guests, but we cannot save our own neighbours, inter-state migrants ! People of Bihar are not spared in Mumbai. China is doing everything possible to save 3 engineers captured in india. Are we doing enough to save life of 21 Indians captured in China? We released 50 pakistani fishermen out of 60 captured, and Pakistan released only 30 out of 150 captured ! Well, I guess china and pakistan understands our feelings very well. They know we have 2nd biggest pool of population, we don't need our people !

We have world's fastest messile, BRAHMOS, with us. But whats the use if we can't use them for us. I am wondering that small countries like Palau, Andorra, Barbados, Grenada, Tuvalu, Burundi, Gambia, Rwanda will attack India anytime, One by One, and we will do nothing but capture them (if we can), and treat them nicely.

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely true Ram,
    Even I am very disappointed by the way Indian government has reacted to this whole situation, and frankly speaking this is not the first time this has happened, every time we capture any terrorists, we treat them the same way.
    I don't know when will our government start punishing these criminals in the way they deserve. I wonder many times on who has the authority to take such decisions. The highest authority in india is with our PRESIDENT, why is he hesitating to make firm decisions about these issues. May be he doesn't understand that how it feels when you loose someone close to you, and if in case that happens someday, (which I hope not to), then probably we MAY see some action by our government.
